The Business of the State : Elites, Expertise, and Policy Instruments Shaping the Public-Private Intersection
Call for Applications – deadline May 15th
Summer School August 27–30, 2025 Moulin d'Andé, France
The Business of the State : Elites, Expertise, and Policy Instruments Shaping the Public-Private Intersection
Coordinated by:
Benjamin Lemoine (CMH, CNRS)
Marte Mangset (Centre universitaire de Norvège, Univ. d’Oslo)
Antoine Vauchez (CESSP, CNRS)
Invited speakers and discussants:
Cornel Ban (Copenhagen Business School)
Kristin Surak (London School of Economics)
Anna Tyllström (Institute for future studies/Uppsala University)
Proposals are due by May 15th and should include a CV, a summary of current research (one word page)
and be sent to Marte Mangset (marte.mangset@sosgeo.uio.no), Antoine Vauchez (antoine.vauchez@uni-
paris1.fr) or Benjamin Lemoine (benjamin.lemoine@ens.psl.eu)